本文轉自於 http://www.libertytimes.com.tw/2007/new/aug/9/today-int6.htm 若有冒犯之處。請告知,我會馬上刪除。謝謝 ◎鄭寺音 A new phenomenon in New Zealand is taking the idea of "you are what you eat" to the extreme. 紐西蘭出現一種新現象,把「吃什麼是什麼」這種想法推到極致。 "Vegansexuals" is the name given to people who not only don’t eat any meat or animal products, but also choose not to be sexually intimate with non-vegan partners. 「素食性關係者」是封給不僅完全不吃肉或動物製品,也選擇不與非素食伴侶有親密性行為者的名稱。 Their reasoning is that the bodies of non-vegans are made up of the dead animals they have consumed. 他們的論據是,非素食者的身體是由他們吃的死動物所構成。 The co-director of the New Zealand Centre for Human and Animal Studies at Canterbury University, Annie Potts, said she coined the term after doing research on the lives of "cruelty-free consumers". 坎特柏里大學的紐西蘭人類與動物研究中心共同主任波茲說,她在研究「無殘酷行為消費者」的生活時,創造了這個詞。 Many female respondents described being attracted to people who ate meat, but said they did not want to have sex with meat-eaters. 許多接受研究的女性指出,她們雖會被吃肉者吸引,卻表示不想和肉食者...